HA webpage card with addon ingress support

The webpage card allows you to embed your favorite webpage right into Home Assistant. This custom card Addon Iframe Card provides support for addon ingress.

This card has the same configuration items as the webpage card. When the url is an addon-slug or addon-slug/path/url , will enable support for addon ingress. Otherwise, it is exactly the same as a normal webpage card. You can get the addonSlug from the addon info url.

For example:

type: custom:addon-iframe-card
url: a0d7b954_nodered
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Love it! Perfect for embedding Music Assistant or Grafana panels in dashboards with local and external access!

Had to dig a bit what the right URL was for Grafana share url’s. So an URL like http://localhost:3000/api/hassio_ingress/some_long_id_here/d/2Ju-TY57k/temperature?orgId=1&from=2024-12-25T02:12:50.441Z&to=2024-12-25T14:12:50.441Z&viewPanel=panel-2 becomes addon_slug/d/2Ju-TY57k/temperature?orgId=1&from=2024-12-25T02:12:50.441Z&to=2024-12-25T14:12:50.441Z&viewPanel=panel-2