HA With homematic ccu3 and touchscreen

Hi first,


Rasp 4 with touchscreen 10"
Homematic CCU3 separately
Sonoff Zigbee stick
I have the following problem:

I would like to set up my Raspberry4 with HomeAssistant so that I can integrate my CCU3 with the Homematic devices. As well as Growatt inverters, and and and… For that I would at least have to be able to access the community addons. (supervised)
Furthermore, a touchscreen is connected to the Rasp 4
But in order to integrate the touchscreen, with which I can then access http://homeassistant:8123,
But I had to access the RAsp OS in the terminal, which is not possible with the supervised installation including community addons.
I’ve already spent 2 weeks putting my system together;
The Docker version works without supervised and the supervised version works without a screen, but I can’t get both together!!!
I’ve already made my way through the web and tried numerous tutorials but without success!

Could someone please help me with this?

Would be nice!!!


HA is really meant to run headless, which means as a server without any GUI.
You need a full GUI and a browser to access the web interface and I do not know if these requirements clash with the requirements of a supervised installation.
A supervised installation is really demanding to maintain and the fact that you can not solve this suggest that you are not sufficient enough to run such an installation.
I do not mean to evil, when I say this, but the supervised installation is really a bitch to maintain and the requirements from HA makes it an annoying a frustrating battle.

I think your best solution would be to install your Rasp4 with a GUI installation. Ubuntu, Debian, Raspiqn or whatever, as long as it can run a hypervisor like QEMU or KVM.
Then in QEMU or KVM you install HAOS.
This should give you the best of all worlds, but I am not sure about the resource draw on the Raspi. A GUI can be a bit heavy on the hardware, which is why it is often dropped on servers.