I’m playing with HA and Rhasspy at the moment.
At first I tried it with the setting /api/events in Rhasspy. So for troubleshooting I could use the devloper tools (Developer tools - events - listen for events) like listen for rhasspy_GetTime
Since I moved now from /api/events to /api/intent/handle I would like to know how I can troubleshoot the problems I have.
For example I am trying to get a configuration for all my temperature sensors. But as I did not do that much with this before, I have here and there errors and would like to find out whats wrong.
text: Die Temperatur {{ room }} ist {{ states("sensor." + room.replace("ü", "ue") + "_temperaturx") }} Grad Celsius
rhasspy sentences
room = $hass/room
Wie hoch ist die Temperatur im [room] ($hass/room){room}
Now the question. How can I use the developer tools - events to listen for “LivingRoomTemperature”
Because “rhasspy_name” works only for /api/events and not for /api/intent/handle.
It must somehow be possible to see what Rhasspy is sending to HA?
Any help is much appreciated, since I want to find the issue and understand whats wrong.