HA without Docker on Linux?

Is it possible to install HA on Ubuntu Linux without using Docker? If so, a link would be appreciated.

Please excuse the NOOB. But I’m a fast learner.

It’s in the docs, but if you don’t know Linux, it’s not recommended.


And, truthfully, I feel many more questions coming.

Not trying to be mean, but Linux install IS in the install page.

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Don’t do this. You don’t even really need to learn to use docker. Learn to create a compose file (or ask for an example) and do it that way. Installing HA Core onto a base Linux OS is going to basically cause pain and regret. Not that it can’t be done, but HA in a docker container (or HAOS in a VM) is a MUCH better experience.

Don’t do this either. My position is, why complicate your installation with a container or virtual machine? (Unless you plan to do non-Home Assistant stuff on the computer).

You didn’t say which computer you are planning to use, but my recommendation is to flash the image for HAOS to the computer’s boot device. Done.

Don’t you diss my favorite installation method (Container)!!! :wink: But yeah, Container is slightly more advanced. Over a straight Core install, I’d take Container installed on a potato though. :smiley:

If using Ubuntu, I believe I noticed a Snap package available in the Snap Store. Would imagine it would make installing easier, but just a guess.

I rarely use Ubuntu and even more rarely use Snap packages, but just happened to notice it while doing maintenance on an old machine yesterday.

You’re fast learning people think you should not do this. I agree, but I’m not sure people are explaining why. HAOS has the following benefits (plus more I can’t think of right now):

  • Because it’s the preferred and the most common, you will find the most support on the forum
  • It’s managed for you. Container and core installations require more work from you to maintain.
  • Addons! I’d guess that the vast majority of HAOS installations run one or more addons. Each of these runs in their own docker container, managed from within HA. So you can’t have addons without docker - you’d have to install and manage the unerlying software yourself. I’d also guess that a significant proportion of HAOS users don’t even know what docker is.

The main “disadvantage” of HAOS is that is an OS, and therefore runs on the whole machine. This is why many people will run it in a VM, so the machine can be used for other things too. If you don’t need this, just install HAOS on the machine - you can always change later with a backup/restore to move HA.

If you do use a VM, unless you’ve got a good reason to use Ubuntu, Proxmox is arguably a better environment for this use-case. I started off with Ubuntu + VirtualBox, and switched to Proxmox at the start of the year, and it is SOOO much better. You can always create another VM for Ubuntu use.

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