HA Yellow stopped working, no LEDs, no ping


I have received my HA yellow 3 months ago. HA was up & running and I was gradually starting my migration from an old Rpi3. I basically had nothing done except install HA, mosquitto, ESPhome, etc.

This morning I noticed all LEDs were off on the yellow. No ping, no access to HA.

What I did:

  1. Check the PSU: it reads 12V+ on a voltage tester.
  2. Disassemble the CM4 module, plug it in: no LEDs
  3. Reassemble the CM4 module several times: no LEDs

All this with and without RJ45 plugged in or not.

I am about to cut the PSU wire so that I can reuse the jack connector and attempt using a DC voltage source I own, as a last chance scenario.

Am I missing anything until now? Your support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot for your feedback!