HA Yellow Unreachable Suddenly

This morning my HA Yellow stopped being reachable. I can see it in my router but cannot reach it via the web interface or ssh. Any suggestions as to how to proceed?. Don’t know where to start. Would a rebuild from a backup be necessary?.

Can you ping it from your workstation by ip address?
Can you ping it by name?
Can you reach homeassistant observer? If so what does it say? (same URL as your homeassisstant addess, replace :8123 with :4357 in a browser)

@NathanCu Thanks for your help. If I ping the address without port number, I get a response. No response if I ping the address with any port number. Nothing with hostname either.

and the web browser to address:4357?

That means the device is on and answering the network but name resolution isn’t happening - probably because it hasn’t registered a name. The other test will tell you if the observer is up. (It’s a level above core)

What are the LEDs doing?
Home Assistant Yellow LEDs – Home Assistant Yellow (home-assistant.io)

And if those indicate signs of life, because there’s no HDMI port on a Yellow you ahve to do debug over serial:
Documentation – Home Assistant Yellow (home-assistant.io)

Sorry forgot to mention that there was also nothing from web browser on port :4357.

Lights seem to be ok and blinking at an expected pattern.

Decided to wipe my HA Yellow and start from scratch and restore from a backup. Up and running again. Not sure what happened.

Do you use an NVMe SSD? There have been some issues with certain types or sizes of SSD (e.g. some Samsung 1 TB devices) where the drive disconnects randomly, resulting in a host that is still pingable, but not much else (and with no usable logtraces). If it happens again, you can verify via the serial console, that will spam errors about squashfs being corrupted.

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I do. Thanks for this tip. Will have it in mind if this happens again.

Hey there, I experience the same problem (usually after 3-4 days). It never happens when I have time to investigate, though… My first guess was the Nvme. I wiped everything and installed on emmc, did a full backup. Just when I thought its working the same happened yesterday evening (7 days this time and absolutely no time to investigate properly when it happened). Lights are blinking as expected, I see the device on the network but its not reachable. Tried different things every time but no luck… Im out of ideas and waiting for the next failure to connect the serial console for debugging.

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