HA Yellow Zigbee Not working


I have tired to factory reset the device and add back the Yellow Zigbee radio .

Anytime I try and add back my Aqara temp sensors, they just will not get recognised, any suggestion for help.

I have also flashed the latest firmware onto it


Even with a clean install of HA and simply just adding the Zigbee radio, I still get nothing when trying to add the devices.

I do get this error in the log now


i have the same problem and I have not yet done any FW update on the Silicon Labs chip.

Yesterday I have paired the very first Zigbee device (a Sonoff SNZB-02 Temp / Hum sensor) which was successful.
But after a some hours the connection is lost although the distance is only 3m.
The link is not getting reestablished automatically.

Any idea…?


mine issue was a power supply with too much voltage.