In the beginning, I will add that I searched the forum, watched a thousand videos on youtube and still can’t cope with installing Conbee 2 on Synology in HA docker. So any help will be much appreciated.
I have:
Synology 220+
docker with homeassistant
Conbee II
When I try to add integration: ZigBee home automation on HA, I choose radio type deCONZ and type serial device path: /dev/ttyACM0 . However, then I receive Failed to connect. (I do not have /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_ etc path visible on synology)
When I added a separate docker deconz, it works without any problems, and Conbee II is detectable and I can log in to the device.
Hi @Szakalito, I’m having the same problem.
I have a PI3 running with the USB stick and there’s no problem with the Zigbee Home Automation integration, but when I tried to move everything to my QNAP using containers I had the same issue, deCONZ is discovered, but adding devices there is a pain in the a$$. If I use the ZHA integration, I cannot add the ‘Serial Device Path’, I tried /dev/ttyACM0, the mounted path ( /root/.local/share/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ) but nothing works. I have the container running in privilege mode too but no luck.
By the way, I’ve followed this web
Any other option? Also, what are the benefits of using a VM and install HA instead of a HA container?
Thank you
From what I noticed with docker containers everything is about adding rights to the container or using admin. I was fighting a long time but at the end adding admin rights helped with my problems and now works like a charm.
OK. Weird. No matter what I try, added permissions, etc, I cannot seem to upgrade past 2021.04 and have my deConz conbee II detected in the container. Even tried rebooting the NAS. It’s happy on .04 tho
Welp, I managed to upgrade to 2021.08 - where the previous working one was 2021.04. I had to manually edit my config file .storage/core.config_entries and changed the old