Haaska Alexa smart (HomeAssistant API)

Hi everybody,
One year ago I setup haaska to use all my stuff with Alexa voice command.
One week ago I changed my conf file in order to add some new script that I wrote so I opened configuration.yaml and add the domains script:

    locale: it-IT
    endpoint: https://api.eu.amazonalexa.com/v3/events
    client_id: amzn1.application-xxx
    client_secret: amzn1.oa2-xxx
        - light
        - script
        - automation
        - binary_sensor
        - button
        - camera
        - climate
        - device_tracker
        - govee
        - group
        - image
        - switch
        - input_boolean
        - input_button
        - input_datetime
        - input_number
        - input_select
        - input_text
        - media_player
        - sensor
        - number
        - persistent_notification
        - person
        - scene
        - select
        - sun
        - update
        - weather
        - zone

I create the whole new lambda, skill and everything related, everything was fine.
When linking the haaska custom skill it said nothing found.
All the stuff I had in alexa are still there, can they be a problem? Should I remove them all?
Also how do you update haaska if you had something new?
I did it using the function “Add device” > scan for “WiFi device” but nothing found.

When settings the lambda function I used the URL in the config.json file https://mydomain..com:443/
When executing the test I get the error:
“404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://mydomain.com:443/api/alexa/smart_home”,
If I paste the URL https://mydomain..com:443/ in a browser I get redirect to the login page of my HA.
So there is the alexa api of HA not working at all?

New info
These are my settings in Settings > Network.
Everything seems to be fine.
My HA works outside my home, it does work using my domain and also using my local IP address from inside my network.
In the file configuration.yaml there is a line with api:
Whatever I do, I get a 404 when calling: GET using postman (with the Bearer as Long lived token).
I’ve also tried to create a new long lived token but nothing.
I think the problem now is HA, maybe it is having some bug?

In my modem there are no port forward enable.
Im using Cloudflare to connect my domain to HASS and be able to access from outside.

UPDATE: I need to call /api/ so now the API are working, but the alexa/smart_home
Also calling https://mydomain.com:443/api/ works.

Now Im 100% sure the problem is relative to the smart_home integration.