Haaska compile error!

Hi Guys, im a noob to all this. im running home assistant on a raspberry pi 3, i am wanting to use the echo dot with home assistant. ive been following a good step by step youtube video on installing haaska, but ive got this error when trying to compile so i`m a bit stuck. heres the code error message.

pi@hassbian:~/haaska $ sudo make
mkdir -p build
cp haaska.py config/config.json build
pip install -t build requests
/bin/bash: pip: command not found
Makefile:10: recipe for target ‘haaska.zip’ failed
make: *** [haaska.zip] Error 127

any help much appreciated
cheer Tony

You hit a pip command not found error. I use pip3 so you might want to try that or install pip.

pip3 install -t build requests

I think the emulated hue bridge included in HASS is replacing the need for having haaska externally

thanks for the reply guys that should point me in the right direction, that would make sense since that the emulated hue
works with echo dot. but another problem im having is my hue app on my phone detects the emulated hue and ask me to press the pairing link button but i carnt see one in home assistant so it wont let me set it up,the phone is ios.

If you decided to go the route above. You would need to edit the makefile in the haaska folder.

SHELL := /bin/bash

# Function name in AWS Lambda:


    haaska.zip: haaska.py config/*
    	mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)
    	cp $^ $(BUILD_DIR)
    	pip install -t $(BUILD_DIR) requests  #<--- This line
    	cd $(BUILD_DIR); zip ../$@ -r *
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It only emulates the necessary parts to work with other services like Alexa. The hue app probably won’t work since your only exposing parts of the hue api.

hi Robban, thanks for the info i think i`ll buy a hardware bridge and go down that root. cheers

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Ok. You also want hue lights? That wasn’t obvious. Yeah then you need some kind of bridge. Ikea just released their and they also have lights that are cheaper. Next hass-release will have support for that hub.

I think the difference is emulated hue is much much easier to setup and expose devices particularly without any external requirement like Amazon. However, haask provides the ability to customize commands like “Alexa, ask location of user1” while emulated hue requires certain command words like “Alexa, turn on garage door”. Haask also allows Alexa to voice respond through HA while emulated hue can only respond through different speakers. The setup for voice response through different speakers is probably greater than the setup of Haask so that should be considered if you want Alexa to respond with voice.

I didn’t know that. Maybe that would be a good feature request for hass

I was actually thinking of the Alexa component and not haask, sorry for the confusion

hi guys, i ended up getting a hue bridge starter pack, got that up and running with echo dot with no problems. i have some s20 sockets which i`ve had for some time and are being controlled by the home assistant GUI and i also have homebridge
installed and controlled the sockets via siri , both programs are installed on a raspberry pi 3 and run side by side ok. But i have installed a plugin for home assistant homebridge - homeassistant. but since ive done this, when i run homebridge i get this error

[4/16/2017, 12:13:35 PM] Homebridge is running on port 41725.
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event

Error: bind EADDRINUSE
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:1018:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1041:20)
at _handle.lookup (dgram.js:219:18)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:83:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:104:9)
at Module.runMain (module.js:606:11)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:393:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:150:9)
at bootstrap_node.js:508:3

any idea whats gone wrong guys cheers !

Id recommend you to create a new post asking about this issue you’re having.

*edit * I have no idea about what the problem might be

cheers Robban ,will do