HACK: Adding a Close signal to the Sonoff DW2-RF

Stupidly I thought a doorsensor would indicate the open/closed state too and bought a bunch of them. Unfortunately I purchased them in China so I cant return them. So a bit late to this conversation, but for what its worth I made a mod / hack that sends the close status as a new code. However you need a transistor and two resistors for this (1k and 10k ohm) . This is surely not the most efficient way to do it but it works. You get two individual codes for the open / closed state.
Thought I would share this as it would be sad to waste those sensors. Perhaps someone can use this info too that is in the same boat like me.

[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ifr6Hp3egUE]( (Youtube) mod in action )

I have added a basic schematic - all this with no guarantee that it works I am by no means a professional in this.

So I have decided to further tinker with these sensors - I had a couple of scrap batteries lying around from vapes that people threw on the street and a never ending supply of lipo-chargers in my draw. Also I tided up the circuit, now it easily fits back in the case again - here some pictures

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Very nice hack! Thanks for sharing it. Don’t owe any of this but if I get anyone, it will get this hack.

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Hi. Amazing thanks for this. I sit with the exact same issue 1 week later. Will try this.

Im no engineer, and bought 1k and 10k as per post, but your picture seems to show 300 and 470 respectively (based on resistor colours)

Which should I use and does it matter? :slight_smile: :upside_down_face:

Hey Sorry, for the confusion. In the end it appears that it does not really matter. I played arround with some resistervalues with the hope to make it respond faster but ended up just leaving it as is, as there is some (for me acceptable) delay when the sensor is closed.

I have added a basic schematic that may also help

Both values are fine.

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Also I’m curious, let me know how it goes!

Heating up the soldering iron now and will have a crack at it - Just noting the diagram and photo for the leg on “U2” (transmitter?) is not quite the same - I am also opting for the resistors as pictured as apposed to the explaination. Will continue as per video and photo instead of diagram for now :slight_smile:

hope to revert by EOD with positve feedback

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Awesome! This looks like a success :smiley: ?

Thank you thank you!!! A big note that im no soldering expert, but she works! Thank you

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Hi, thank you for this hack, it works and I used the same resistance values as you 300ohm and 470ohm.

Even if there is a delay of 6 seconds when closing before the “closed” command is sent it is not a big deal because the “open” command is instantaneous.

Note that the closed command won’t be sent if you open it again within that 6 seconds delay and you will basically receive 2 open commands in a row.

Now i can actually use this sensor for something not very critical (because it doesn’t report low battery level if i am not mistaken) instead of sitting in a drawer.

Glad this worked for you! I’m sure one could somehow take care of the 6 second delay and the sending open twice thing, with a better circuit. However, I’m not an electircal engineer and it works good enough for me =) .