Hacking/Using old Amazon Echo devices for Voice?

While you are technically right, the sole of the question is still lying there. Do you have any suggestion about giving a new life to echo devices? Otherwise, what is the point of ranting about how right is the ranting?

You should look up the definition of the word “rant”.

Will do, back to the question, do you have anything valuable to add to the main question?

@jazzmonger , there was a similar discussion earlier here but it needs heavy work 'Recycling' Google Nest Mini / Home Mini

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If the OP simply wanted to ask a question, then that’s all that would have appeared in the first post. However, they chose to preface their question with disparaging commentary based on outdated and incorrect information.

As for the question itself, the answer is “not easily if at all” because it was designed to prevent it.

Here’s a taste of the challenge (over a year old and not using the latest model):


Nope… it’s actually called an option,which, last time I checked, in the USA, I’m absolutely entitled to. Other countries, not so much…
You guys seriously need to lighten up.

The question remains. And will remain until someone makes a break thru here.

To misplace blame? That’s called a mistake and others are equally free to correct it.

As for the question, the answer is based on how much effort one is willing to invest in thwarting the security of a device designed not to be re-purposed. The incentive to do that might increase if Amazon implements a paid subscription for Alexa services.

Jesus Christ mate. Just answer the question. Or step out of the conversation.

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I had a look at mine. It has an audio jack. Dont suppose thats Input and output also?

At the very least, you have an enclosure with a speaker and microphones. You could replace internals with min BT amp. An old small BT speaker would probably work.
I don’t know if it’s possible to find a micro BT microphone preamp. I think Pico makes one.
That would be an interesting project.
I know its a bit old school but it should be do-able
Or is it possible to bypass all the Alexa bit internally. Maybe just using the audio section.

I answered the question by providing links to a project that attempts to do exactly what was requested, namely repurpose an Echo. Prior to that, I clarified several misconceptions stated within the largest paragraph of the original post.

Perhaps you didn’t read those links before you felt a pressing need to admonish me.

Dont know if you managed to sort it but Lukas Bachschwell has a hack for a nest. With a bit of luck the replacement PCB will fit an Echo. Fingers crossed. Could you let me know how you got on as I am just starting to look in to installing the voice assistant and I have an Echo sitting around.
Lukas Bachschwell

how about



I’m having a look at it but there are lots of difficulties involved.

I’ve moved on. HA voice is hopelessly lost in the minutae. Truly local voice is HARD to do any not something a Pi is currently capable of at least with current state of the art.

IMHO, The heyWillow.io project is where it’s at. And it’s working today with a $70 used eBay CUDA capable GPU and Box3 satellites.

Just search my posts for a detailed tutorial that will get it working in literally 15 minutes.

willow.io is a domain name available to purchase. Did you mean “heywillow.io”?



I had a look and the problem is that the Box3 is more expensive than an Echo dot! (If you can find one! - they are all out of stock!)

I don’t see why they only recommend hardware with a colour touchscreen for something that only requires a microphone and speaker. I guess I’ll ask them.

You could build your own using cheap. components

I’m totally with you on the Alexa thing. I don’t want to put on my tin foil hat, but it seems that they are killing off older devices to make you buy new ones/ stop using their resources.

I had an echo show 3, some $429 in Aus and it just stopped responding to requests. and because it was over a year old, Amazon refused to do anything about it (even though it really did seem like a software issue, more then a hard ware problem.

So I turned it into this

Ill be ditching the rest of the Alexa’s as soon as some decent hardware becomes available. I think the software side with the Chat GPT 3.5 backend like here are pretty solid right now; Its just getting reliable hardware… Spoiler, what I cobbled together doesn’t work too well. Its complicated to create, crashes often, and the amp and sound are pretty bad lol

It really is just getting the hardware to work and sound good.

I’ve spent thousands on Alexa devices, just to watch them turn to garbage, so that Amazon apologist really got to me. I think they forgot how stocks work lol.

Anyway, local voice assistants or death! HAHA (cake or death!)

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