HACS attribute TemplateSyntaxError

Hi Guys,

was wondering if someone could help with this error I am getting. I installed the “attribute” integration through HACS and I keep getting the following error:

Could not attribute sensor for climate.000a18a9a3c026: TemplateSyntaxError: expected token 'end of print statement', got 'a18a9a3c026'

This is my (part of) configuration.yaml:

  - platform: dsmr
    port: /dev/ttyUSB0
    dsmr_version: 5

  - platform: attributes
    friendly_name: "Batteries"
    attribute: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: "C"
      - climate.000A18A9A3C026

    name: Meter readings
      - sensor.power_consumption_low
      - sensor.power_consumption_normal
      - sensor.power_production_low
      - sensor.power_production_normal
      - sensor.gas_consumption  

i validated the yaml through a yaml validator which says it is valid.

gr Piet

change the entity_id of your climate entity to all lower case.

All entity_id’s are always all lower case.

Changed it to all lower cases and still same problem. Original it was lower case but tested it to see if upper case makes a difference. Thanks anyway though.