Hi there
I am new to HA and following youtube tutorials I installed HACS in order to install Reolink Camera IP custom component. The issue is that i can “download” custom components or oficial HACS ones but not install them…it is not an option after adding the component. I restart HA, clean cache, etc. but the component integration does not appear in integrations of HA…only in HACS as downloaded component but nos installed I guess?
Sorry if this is already solved in other topic but couldn’t find it.
Thank you in advanced!
After HACS download and restart you often have to go tothe regular HA ‘integrations’ and install there
Thank you. I eliminated HACS and then reinstalled from regular integrations…and it seems to work now
That might not be the correct thing and after a restart it may no longer work, depends what you chose.
HACS downloads the integrations (not frontend!) into folder custom_repositories, then requires a restart to load that. After that, you often go to HA normal (!) integrations to finalize the setup with possible configuration/settings.
Not sure what you installed with HACS and maybe there is a non-HACS version of your integration and removing it from HACS has no effect…just that you know when a restart removes things