HACS change github repository

In the new HACS interface, is it possible to change the GitHub repository HACS pulls the integration from?

I want to switch to a different fork of an integration.

Just hit the 3 small dots in the upper right corner, and select ‘custom repositories’
There you can manage any custom repository you want to add (or delete) :wink:

I thought so but I see this from the main window

And this from the Integration information window


Clicking ‘update information’ does nothing (Edge Browser)

Did you try to add it as a custom repository. Just open hacs and 3 small dots upper right corner. Dont go to another integration.

Ah, 3 dots in main HACS page. :man_facepalming:

Do I need to delete first then add the different repo? If I do that without a restart I’m thinking things will just keep going as is.

No, dont delete anything, just add a repo. It will add it or it will not.

Even if I already have a repo/integration of the same name?

Can I get a specific branch?

[edit]I’m using the vesync component from a custom integration but the version I’m using has an error and I want to move to a separate fork that has fixed it.

Just try to add it. If it fail it will prompt you with an error.

But even if you cant add it through hacs you can add it manually.
Go to /homeassistant/config/custom_components and mk dir there my_integration

wget github repo in my_integration and restart home assistant.

Usually works.

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Thanks for your help. For anyone finding this later, I had to

  • delete the existing entry for the integration in custom repositories
  • add a new entry with the new repository location
  • redownload this repository
  • restart HA

I kept missing out downloading the repository after changing the location for HACS to get it from! :frowning: