I have a weird problem which I can’t troubleshoot.
I run HA 0.111.4 inside docker, I installed HACS and I have my lovelace configuration through .yaml files (for easy editing).
All my custom HACS items are “not loading”, like custom header.
I added this to my lovelace yaml, because it didn’t automatically. Which is strange, why would you use HACS if you also can download the files yourself, but anyway.
Why doesn’t HACS add it to my configuration?
Why doesn’t load while I have added it to my configuration?
And how do I get it to work?
The problem I have trouble shooting is that it seems along the way at some point HA has changed so much that options aren’t available anymore.
But on this version I don’t haven’t anything “resources” on my configuration lovelace dashboards. So Im a bit stuck.
I think that’s because you aren’t using HACS to actually download and install the cards in the correct (/hacsfiles/) location.
You seem to be expecting HACS to figure out that you have manually downloaded a card.js file and put it in a non-standard location for HACS which it can’t do.
If you are going to download them manually then you will not see them in HACS and you will have to manually add them to your resources as described above and then you can manually add the card to your lovelace config.
Well I go to HACS, press the + sign, download a repository, press install and there it is in the community-folder. But I have to add the module to the configuration.yaml myself.
The plugins work, but HACS says they are not loaded.
When I read your post above it seemed as if you weren’t using HACS to download the cards. Especially since you had previously talked about downloading things manually and also talked about adding “?v=1.6.7” to the end of the reference. Which is only necessary if you don’t use HACS to install cards.
The location that HACS downloads files into is indeed the “/www/community/” folder. When you reference that location in your lovelace resources section you need to reference it as “/hacsfiles/” as in my example above.
Yes, you have to add it yourself because you are using lovelace in yaml mode.
Haha, no worries. It cannot get more complicated now, for me. It’s too bad some things have changed in recent releases so I hardly know which information is up tomaatje and which isn’t.
Anyway, I added the community path to my configuration.yaml, as my screenshot shows. I accidentally saw the header configurarion plug-in in the three-dotten-menu. Which implicates it works. But hacs says it’s still not loaded.
I will test other addons if they work. But I found it quite odd.