HACS - Custom component with an archived repository

Hi there.
Wish you all the best for this new year!

I’ve just noticed this core error due to HACS :

Logger: custom_components.hacs
Source: custom_components/hacs/operational/factory.py:47 
Integration: HACS ([documentation](https://hacs.xyz/docs/configuration/start), [issues](https://github.com/hacs/integration/issues)) 
First occurred: 10:41:49 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 10:41:49

custom-components/sensor.rpi_power - Repository is archived.

The wired thing is I’ve never used this custom component called sensor.rpi_power.

Do you know why this appears ? And how to fix it ?

1 Like

I removed this one and also see the line

Same here.
Having exactly the same error as maaxiiimee since 2 days…
I did not manage to figure out the cause yet…

same here…
i hope to find a solution, its a little bit annoying

There is nothing you have to worry about or can do about these types of errors. See:

Each repository that is archived should only generate one error, whether you use that repository or not.