HACS do you need do something with github

I have got HACS in home assistant and got code GitHub then nothing happens do I need set something up in GitHub to get it working

you need an account, yes.

Yes have GitHub account and get success message from GitHub but still nothing on home assistant

You’'re not giving much information here.

How far through the install instructions are you?

Sorry I went through all of the instructions and when I got to restart
Home if I look at terminal after pasting wget etc it states Hacs installed
Restarted add Hacs integration.takes me to GitHub put code in get a tick on screen reboot but don’t get Hacs authorisation.
Thanks for input. I wonder if I need set something up in GitHub I have only registered.
Cheers Andrew

HI - no worries - it’s just sometimes hard to help when unsure where you are in the process (some people ask the wrong questions by accident).

No, other than having a GitHub account (and logging into it via HA, you don’t need to do anything else.

HACS can take up to an hour (I think) to setup the first time though.

Thanks yes it was a couple days ago. Still nothing . If you have any other suggestions I can try .
I am new to home assistant and have st up official ones no problem but
My Zappie only seems available in HACS

I used file editor and found HACS is on my home assistant but when I use 3 dots download come up error 401 unauthorised

HACS should be listed as an integration on Settings → Devices & Services → integrations

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It does not appear there looking at my network settings external access
Disabled. Do you know if this would stop it. It appears on files and when I try upload it get error 401 unauthorised.
How do I change network settings?
Thanks for info

Not sure where you see that External Access setting.

I would check to see if you can normally sign in to github in a browser. I would expect Github would require you to confirm email and/or set up 2FA. If you cannot login in GitHib then HACS won’t be able to either.

Under system and shows network external access disabled

I can log into GitHub. I have found Hacs in system using file editor.
I am now wondering if it’s Network External access disabled

External Access is for getting into HA, like when your on the road away from location to check on the HA system. It is not for allowing github access to your HA. That is done with HACS and your github account. I would try removing HACS and re-installing it.

Use the GUI not CLI

Tried to delete in file and won’t let me error 39
Glad it’s not external access at least that’s another possibility crossed
Off thanks for info

Have you added HACS to the integrations by clicking the “+ ADD INTEGRATION” button on the integration page?

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Yes that’s what I did

And have you restart HA core?

hi andy. I have the same problem how can I fix it.
Thanks in advance