HACS doesn't show "themes"

Hi all,

I have installed HACS with the instructions on the HACS website. Everything went well, except that i dont have the “themes” menu link.

I have searched reddit and this forum, but can’t find a solution. Anyone has an idea? Thanks.

Did you try looking at the documentation for it?

You have added this

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

To you configuration.yaml and rebooted?

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This wasn’t mentioned in the instruction wizard on the HACS website.

When i add it to configuration.yaml, it breaks down my HASSIO. Tried to add it without “frontend”, but also didnt work.

Then you have an error in your configuration yaml.

I believe a forward slash is necessary as themes is a folder, not a file:

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes/

I am not sure if the themes folder needs to be created manually for it to work, but I would assume so. That themes folder needs to be in the same folder as the configuration.yaml file.

it is not.

Check spaces and Tabs. Yaml is sensitive in this regard

Well, this is my configuration.yaml. At the bottom the added code for HACS. When i add the HACS code, my home assistant breaks down, and removing it solves the breakdown.

What am i doing wrong?

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  - platform: group
    name: Eethoek
      - light.0xec1bbdfffea17acc_light
      - light.0xec1bbdfffe9ce9ae_light
      - light.0xec1bbdfffe9e9023_light
  - platform: switch
    name: Keuken_outlet 
    entity_id: switch.0x000b3cfffef15fb3_switch
  - platform: group
    name: Keuken
      - light.0xec1bbdfffea2d960_light
      - light.keuken_outlet
  - platform: switch
    name: Zolder_outlet
    entity_id: switch.0xd0cf5efffeda4aa7_switch

  - platform: kodi
    host: 192.xxx
    tcp_port: 8080
    name: kodi

    duration: '00:10:00'

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

Have you created a themes directory?

What’s the error in the logs?

Creating the themes folder before adding the code worked! Thanks for helping out this noob, guys :slight_smile:

No worries, please mark as solved.

Hi Guys,

i followed all the instructions, but its not working for me.
get this error message in the config: Invalid config for [frontend]: value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘frontend’][‘themes’][‘material_dark_red’][‘material_dark_red’]. Got OrderedDict([(‘card-background-color’, ‘var(–paper-card-background-color)’), (‘dark-primary-color’, ‘#c66900’), (‘disabled-text-color’, ‘#545454’), (‘divider-color’, ‘#333333’), (‘light-primary-color’, ‘#e06c6c’), (‘paper-card-background-color’, ‘#333333’), (‘paper-card-header-color’, ‘var(–paper-item-icon-color)’), (‘paper-grey-200’, ‘#191919’), (‘paper-grey-50’, ‘var(–primary-text-color)’), (‘paper-item-icon-active-color’, ‘var(–primary-color)’), (‘paper-item-icon-color’, ‘#d3d3d3’), (’… (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 21).
yaml line 21: frontend:
themes: !include_dir_named themes

thanks in advance

Should be dir_merge_named

your the hero of the day, thanks mate.

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I’m the hero of every day, I just keep it on the low…