HACS Dyson Integration Missing Features From the App + Brevile Dehumidifier

Hi HA community, I’m new to Home Assistant and have just began adding all my smart devices to my “local home” but I can’t get a couple things to work. For starters, I have managed to add the HA Dyson integration through HACS, but it doesn’t seem to be able to control my fan’s oscillation or fan speed or even have access to those features. Does anyone have a solution for this?

Additionally, another device I am having trouble with is my Breville dehumidifier which doesn’t seem to have a third party or native integration within HA.
I have seen some people use “Tuya” as the integration and connect the device through the app and then connect that to HA. How well does this work? Will I have access to all the device’s features?

All support and input are highly appreciated. Thank you so much.

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Some of the links/forums i’ve looked at are;

Being a HACS based integration you should reach out to the integration developer directly. Is this the one? GitHub - libdyson-wg/ha-dyson: Home Assistant custom integration for Wi-Fi connected Dyson devices. If so go to the Issues tab & add something there if someone else has not already done so.

Yeah that is the one, thank you. I’ll look into it and see if I can add an issue.

Thank you so much, I found someone with the same problem:
Dyson Pure Hot+Cool Link™ HP02 purifying heater + fan – Oscillation · Issue #126 · libdyson-wg/ha-dyson

and i got it to work.

Click on your fan
then you should be able to see oscillation, direction and speed at the bottom of the pop up menu.