HACS frontend cards only visible after refreshing the page

I’ve added some HACS front ends like weather card and upcoming media card (using radarr/sonarr/kodi integrations).

When opening the home assistant webpage, these HACS front end cards are not visible. When the page is refreshed, the HACS integrations show up. Usually.

Same behavior in different browsers Edge/Brave/Chrome. It does not matter if I connect (ssl:443) to the duckdns.org name or home assistants ip address (8123).

Using Home Assistant 0.116.4 and HACS 1.6.0.

Is there some way to address/fix this behavior?

Someone else reported this today.

No solution posted unfortunately.

I suggest you open an issue here:

Supplying all the requested information in the issue template.

It may seem like a chore but Ludeeus is quick to respond and does need the info. Instructions are here:

I didn’t think much of this, but I occasionally have this issue. I also have issues with speciffically custom canvas-gauge for my Air Quaility that occasionally only displays the left half of the gauge; so I refresh the page and the gauge is restored. I get the same refresh effect by “Reload Resources”. I have the issue on the companion app also.

Yes, that was a chore :slight_smile:

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another, but lighter chore

These devs are responding quick.

This is apparently fixed in, what I assume, the next version.