HACS Garbage-Collection Integration


I’m trying to set up a scheduling for my garbage collection
But I’m having trouble how I set up my collections days in the integrations tab correctly, so I hope for a little help

My garbage is collected Thursdays every odd 4. Week

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Sure I can give it a go. What do you mean by every odd 4 week?

Is that equivalent to every 8 weeks?

Starting on what date?

Thanks for giving it a shot

Next collection is
21/4, 19/5, 16/6, 14/7, 11/8, 8/9 and so on

So it’s every four weeks, what is odd about that?

One of the definitions of odd: (of whole numbers such as 3 and 5) having one left over as a remainder when divided by two.

This should do it:

  - name: Garbage 
    frequency: "every-n-weeks"
    collection_days: "tue"
    period: 4
    first_week: 1

Thanks, I’ll give It a go

I stuffed up the indentation. Have edited it to correct.

Yes I know, but how does that make four odd?

I’m guessing that it’s down to the week; the first collection happens on week 1 of the year and is then repeated every 4 weeks after that, which always falls on an odd numbered week. 1, 5, 9, etc.

if i want to put this in a separate file sensors.yaml , how can modify the syntax?

Don’t put it in your sensors.yaml file. It’s an integration not a sensor platform.

Greetings. Once created the ‘sensors’ via UI integration, can one ‘edit’ it them from the frontend? Can’t find where (for example, change the frequency, etc, from the integration config and not just the name), and as these are not inside the :page_facing_up:configuration.yaml or :page_facing_up:sensors.yaml. Thanks, :red_circle: