Hello fellow scholars! I’m at a total loss, and googling & reddit-searching hasn’t come up dry, but hasn’t come up with any solutions. If I missed something, please drop me a link to followup with.
Anyways, my log is full of the below errors relating to GitHub Ratelimit error. From some reading I’ve done, seems HACS-related. I tried removing and re-installing HACS: no solution. Here’s one of the lines:
2022-03-19 11:35:24 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.hacs] <Integration viktak/ha-cc-openweathermap_all> GitHub Ratelimit error
here’s an ~800-row snippet of my log relating to these errors.
Not sure if related or not, but my HA Core has been rebooting over and over (~10-15 times daily) the past week or so (HA OS, RPI 3B+). Not looking for a solution on that issue [yet], but just letting y’all know.
Fingers crossed on this one! Any help will be greatly appreciated!