HACS GitHub Ratelimit Errors

Hello fellow scholars! I’m at a total loss, and googling & reddit-searching hasn’t come up dry, but hasn’t come up with any solutions. If I missed something, please drop me a link to followup with.

Anyways, my log is full of the below errors relating to GitHub Ratelimit error. From some reading I’ve done, seems HACS-related. I tried removing and re-installing HACS: no solution. Here’s one of the lines:

2022-03-19 11:35:24 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.hacs] <Integration viktak/ha-cc-openweathermap_all> GitHub Ratelimit error

here’s an ~800-row snippet of my log relating to these errors.

Not sure if related or not, but my HA Core has been rebooting over and over (~10-15 times daily) the past week or so (HA OS, RPI 3B+). Not looking for a solution on that issue [yet], but just letting y’all know.

Fingers crossed on this one! Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Had the same problem ystdy and never had this before so not sure if it is really with you (me).
I checked the github account access and this was no way overloaded.
Today it is gone