HACS has exploded!

I’ve been out the loop for a while and that will continue for a while more but I just checked my HACS and suddenly I have hundreds of new Integrations and Frontend components!

What is going on?!?

(I’m not complaining - except I don’t have enough time to look through them to check out any that could be useful :slight_smile: )

And what exactly is your question? People continue to develop custom components and frontend themes, lovelace cards etc. while you are away :slight_smile:

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Click the three dots on the top right and then click “Dismiss all new repositories”. Then it looks like it used to and you do not have to do anything. :wink:


Does every post need one?
But here it is…


It was half rhetorical though.

I’ve only been away for about 6 or 8 weeks and have been keeping an eye on things but have never seen so many new things in HACS so quickly.

Yes, thanks, I knew about that but I like to go through them one by one to see if anything interests me.