HACS install problems

I rebooted the VM HA and the issue remains?

What issue? You’ve not actually told us that - just resurrected somebody else’s thread.

Exact issue as per Post #1 Dec 7, '20 11:40 AM.
I.e. I’m trying to install HACS per the instructions here - https://hacs.xyz/docs/configuration/basic . Everything is good up until the part after I select HACS and see “Please wait while the integration is being installed” it hangs there for a few minutes then just goes back to the list of integrations. I don’t see any errors or anything.

I have cleared the cache before install.
I have restarted HA after install.
I have rebooted the VM HA after the install.

Specs for my VM HA OS:
Core: 2024.5.0
Frontend: 20240501.0
Operating System: 12.2
Supervisor: 2024.04.4

Check HA’s (core) log to see what’s happened.

So let’s make a checklist here…

  1. Install HACS so it is available in Integrations
  2. Clear your Browser cache
  3. Select HACS from the new integrations list
  4. Click on 4 of the 5 boxes (Just the required ones unless you want experimental mode.)
  5. HACS gives you the 8 digit code. Copy the code.
  6. Open the link that is shown on the screen into github
  7. Sign into github with your github account login
  8. Paste in the 8 digit code
  9. Click the Authorize HACS Button
  10. When back in Home Assistant screen click ‘Submit’
  11. Add the integration to an area.
  12. Open the HACS integration and you should see it populating with offerings from git repos.

Have you done all these steps because skipping any of them can be a problem…
What step does not seem to be working and exactly what happens at that step.