HACS Installation Issue

On Hassio and I followed the installation and configuration pretty spot on. I hit a snag in the integrations part though. I followed someone’s tip to add the token directly to my configuration yaml and it’s popped up on my side bar.

But it’s still not in integrations and the page won’t configure and pop up with the above tabs for Store and so forth.

I cleared the cache, restarted multiple times before I added the token to the config.yaml and exhausted my Google Fu trying to figure out the exact issue.


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Same issue after upgrade or reinstall HACS.

Have you created an issue on github?

Reinstall, running great.

I have one more issues though I’m trying to set up a slider for both brightness and saturation using slider-entity-row. The documentation page says it allows for it both settings but I don’t know how to get it to populate?

Picture for easier look

I don’t want to create new thread. Did anyone have issue like this one?

It always fail after about 35 seconds so I believe it’s some kind of timeout during downloading extra dependencies / requirements. Is there a way to extend that timeout?