HACS integration (not working)?

I can’t find the “Add Integration” button that is referred to in all the “Help” documents, on the HACS page!
I added HACS, following all the instructions. (That was actually a while ago.) In the documentation, under Optional Configuration, it states to go to Settings–>Integrations Panel, and to select “Options”… But, there is NO “Settings–> Integrations” panel! I have all the others (Devices, System, Addons, etc) but no Integrations panel under Settings. (Basically, I’m trying anything!)
What I’m trying to do:
I’m trying to add the “Alarmdotcom” integration, but there is no “Add Integration” button in my HACS panel!. HACS appears in the side panel, and when I select it, I see the icon, like it’s installed, but there is NO “Add Integration” button anywhere on the page.
Do I need to remove it, then re-add it?

This should help for overall usage of it

Testing GIF recording :smiley:
