The issue:
After I installed the update 2024.4.* series of HA, HACS integrations aren’t working any more, such as:
- Alexa Media Player
- Deutscher Wetterdienst
- here_weather
- …
- Sonoff
- Tuya
I know HACS isn’t supported by HA, but in the HACS forum I was told, it isn’t a HACS issue…
Even outstanding updates cannot be applied:
In the update dialog the button’s arrow (in the bottom right) just “rotates”, but nothing happens.
I think the problem started with one of the core_2024.4.0 or core_2024.3.3 updates.
Restoring the backup of the core_2024.3.3 update (partial, created by the HA update process) did not solve the issue. This is my oldest backup.
My oldest full backup was created after core_2024.4.0, but restoring it didn’t fix it either.
Anyone else experienced this?
All of my automations were made by Node RED, but currently nothing works. I really don’t know how to fix it and I don’t want to re-start from scratch…
Current versions:
- Home Assistant Community Store
Integrations Version: 1.34.0
Frontend Version: 20220906112053 - Home Assistant
Operating System
HACS debug log:
Can be attached… (if I would know, how to…)