HACS Popups do not work - no text

at first there was not any field to fill in the link to customized repositories.
After some restarts of HA I decided to remove HACS and to install it again.

Unfortunately also the installation Pop ups do not show text.
I have tried to repeat this installation 4 times. Without success.

Here the screenshot of pop up after “add integration”. Hooks are possible, but text is missing. On the next pop up the HACS code is not seen, hence I can not finish the installation.

I have also tried to empty the cash and I tried it also from mobile phone without success.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

i’m having the same issue in July 2023. Where you able to find a resolution? Anyone else know a fix?

Does any know if this issue was resolved am receiving the same issue, where there is not text on the popup when adding HACS as an integration.

Same issue, any solution to fix this?