Hello guys I uninstalled HACS from custom components and also deleted the line from configuration.yaml but still i take notifications that HACS isnt uninstalled that good any ideas?
I’m not sure this will work, as I haven’t tried to remove Hacs before.
I noticed that there are a few files located in the Homeassistant /.storage directory. Deleting them may help.
And in my “core.entity_registry” file there is a line that may need removing, My entry looks like:
"config_entry_id": null,
"device_id": null,
"disabled_by": null,
"entity_id": "sensor.hacs",
"name": null,
"platform": "hacs",
"unique_id": "0717a0cd-745c-48fd-9b16-c8534c9704f9-bc944b0f-fd42-4a58-a072-ade38d1444cd"
However I’m not positive that well work as I haven’t tried to remove Hacs before.
Hope is of help.