HACS stuck 'waiting for device activation'

I succeeded in activating the github integration, and il have this screen appearing :

I tried several times full new installations of HA and Hacs, and it is always the same … Can you help me ?

PS; I have updated Hacs and HA to the last versions.

That helped me too. Thanks!

I’m experiencing the same issue. I installed HACS yesterday following the instructions on the official HACS website. Should I uninstall this version before following the instructions provided by @vinay01joshi ?

Great thanks! it works

How to edit “hacs.sh” file. Is the file somewhere in the directory?

This has been a wasted morning. I’ve tried several solutions mentioned in this thread w/o success. Have the authors of HACS addressed this issue?


Just done another Home Assistant update for May 06 version, (Backup and Update) - HACS loaded after that … maybe it could work for you now?

I finally got it loaded. I used the script hack to drop back a version for the install and did the update after.

No you can just follow the instruction .

use vi editor.


but I have a problem after starting the script via SSH on NAS
ERROR: 'unzip' is not installed
I am with HA Container on docker under DSM Synology…

EDIT: it’s OK. I opened a terminal in docker Home Assistant and got

homeassistant:/config# bash hacs.sh                                              
INFO: Trying to find the correct directory...                                    
INFO: Found Home Assistant configuration directory at '/config'                  
INFO: Changing to the custom_components directory...                             
INFO: Downloading HACS                                                           
Connecting to github.com (                                      
Connecting to objects.githubusercontent.com (                
saving to 'hacs.zip'                                                             
hacs.zip             100% |*********************************| 3910k  0:00:00 ETA 
'hacs.zip' saved                                                                 
WARN: HACS directory already exist, cleaning up...                               
INFO: Creating HACS directory...                                                 
INFO: Unpacking HACS...                                                          
INFO: Verifying versions                                                         
INFO: Current version is 2024.5.1, minimum version is 2023.6.0                   
INFO: Removing HACS zip file...                                                  
INFO: Installation complete.                                                     
INFO: Remember to restart Home Assistant before you configure it

Hi this was 100% doing my head in.
I signed up for my 1 month free trial of the cloud thing and presto it immediately worked at the next
Attempt. I tried downgrading, rebooting, clearing cavhes etc nothing worked. But the free trial did.
Hope this works for others.
Obviously one questions why!