HADashboard could not connect to home assistant

Hey guys,

as soon as is start HADashboard I get the following message:
WARNING Unable to connect to Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds

This is my conf file

ha_url = https://192.168.xxx.xx:8123
ha_key = ----.
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
threads = 10

# Apps
module = hello
class = HelloWorld

I also added the SSL path to my cert (using lets encrypt), but didnt change much.

Anyone ideas?

Is home-assistant running?

What does your logging say?

Neither your ha_url or ha_key look right?

  • Home Assistant is running
  • the ---- and xxx is just place holder. My passward is is the key and my ip is in the url

See below for my sanitized config - note the ha_URL is not using port 8123 but standard https port 443. No cert path required and I use letsencrypt.

ha_url = https://redaactedURL
ha_key = redactedPASS
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
threads = 10
dash_url =
dash_dir = /srv/homeassistant/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/dashboards
# Apps
module = hello
class = HelloWorld
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If you are using an SSL Certificate you can;t connect using the IP address you have to use the domain name you set up in the cert or you will get a security error. If you atsrt AppDaemon with -D DEBUG it will give you more info on the error.

Thanks the config above did the trick and using the domain name instead of the IP.

Thanks again. Now lets see how this all works :slight_smile:

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