HADashboard Fonts and Camera

Hi just installed HADashboard and i have come across a problem with a sensor font.

The only thing i can see is that the sensor (Distance Home) is a template sensor.

And i can not get or see a way to add a camera onto the dashboard any help with this would be great.

On HADashboard, the Sensor Widget uses a different font if it detects text rather than a numeric value. You can override this using the various style arguments documented with the widget.

Regarding the camera - search the docs for the Camera widget!

Thanks the font worked

text_style: “color: $blue; font-size: 200%”

Still not sure how to get the camera into The dashboard. Can you give an example please.

in your appdeamon directory read the DASHBOARD.md

you also find examples there

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Thanks Guys

Got it the cameras working.