HADashboard - no dashboards found

I know I am missing something super easy - but I cannot for the life of me find the dashboards that ship with HADashboard. Any help - see attached image

when I hit same error

Have you set up the dashboard directory?

@aimc I don’t believe I have. Do you know how to or know where in the documentations I might have missed that? I have combed through it several times!

Thank you



I changed the install method recebtly so it looks like we are a little short on instructions -

If you have a config directory as described in the appdaemon setup, you then need to:

  1. Create a directory in there called dashboards
  2. Copy the following file into it:
# Main arguments, all optional
title: Hello Panel
widget_dimensions: [120, 120]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 8

    widget_type: label
    text: Hello World
    - label(2x2)

and call it Hello.dash - then you will have the sample up and running.

Make sure you are running 2.0.6 as there was a bug in the previous couple of versions.

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@aimc That did the trick now where can I grab the default dashobards? That are referred to in the install doc?

There are some example dashes on github:

I’ll add all this into the docs

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Hi guys,

I didn’t want to open a new topic and for me seems this one is the closest to my case. I have HADashboard running on Raspbeery Pi in docker but got into a problem with creating a dashboard itself. I have dashboard folder (/automation/appdaemon/conf/dashboards) and just wanted to test a simple dashboard. I copied @aimc sample above in file with name hello.dash. All fine - I am able to reach the initial page on xxx:5050 but when I click on “hello” dash (it happens on all dashboard that I created) the page starts loading but got to a stage where it gets just black and doesnt load anything else. May anyone help and advice what could be the issue here please?


   logfile: /automation/appdaemon/conf/appdaemon.log
   errorfile: /automation/appdaemon/conf/aderror.log
    logfile: STDOUT
    errorfile: STDERR

    app_dir: /automation/appdaemon/conf/apps/
            type: hass
            token: xxx

    dash_dir: /automation/appdaemon/conf/dashboards/


title: Hello Panel
widget_dimensions: [120, 120]
widget_margins: [5, 5]
columns: 8

    widget_type: label
    text: Hello World

    - label(2x2)

Thanks in advance guys.

P.S. Nothing interesting in docker logs as well - when I click on hello dash it just says:
INFO function [get_dashboard] finished in 111 ms