HAdashboard no longer resizing on phone/tablet

Hi, I have a fully functional dashboard that a few weeks ago would resize when accessed on my phone and tablet. But that no longer works. Does anyone know why that would be. If an update has caused it then can I expect a resolution in a future update?

The only thing that changes recently was that I added a meta tag for iOS devices to prevent a double tap from zooming the dashboard. The dashboard should still zoom to fit the device in use.

EDIT: After a quick test, yes, this does prevent the zooming - in the next version I’ll make this configurable per dashboard and make the default be to allow zooming.

EDIT2: Just implemented and testing OK.

Thanks for the quick response. I assume that I need to wait for an updated release to be rolled out

Correct, yes.

Hi, I have installed two upgrades of Hassio but the resizing problem still exists. When might it be corrected?

I haven;t released a new version of AppDaemon since I put the fix in - hass.io and appdaemon releases are not synchronized, you need to wait until a new version of the appdaemon addon becomes available as I coordinate that with @frenck the author of the appdaemon addon.

Depending on how things go, that will probably happen this weekend or next.

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Q Thanks for the info. I will look out for the update