HaDashboard not working after upgrade 0.74.0 --> 0.80.1


Today i upgraded to 0.80.1, and after that hadashboard cannot connect anymore. Can it be due to the new username/password system ? Can it be disabled ?

HA tells me
Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

HADashboard tells me
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:

HA and Dashbard on same RP3.
I have been searching all day for a solution, but did not find anything yet.

Have a nice day.

Did you disable your api access in HA? I’m pretty sure appdeamon doesn’t support the new login method of HA yet… did you use it before without auth? If yes, enable the http api in configuration.yaml (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/http/) and add your api pass to appdeamon.yaml (ha_key: yourpassword) (https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/stable/INSTALL.html?highlight=key#configuration)

Also it seems that there where a change to the websocket auth with 0.77 and since you where on 0.74 i guess thats your issue: https://github.com/home-assistant/appdaemon/issues/340#issuecomment-416059868

My god …

I should have started with asking here.

I did what you said, and now everything is working again.

BIG thanks from me. :slight_smile:


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