HADashboard sensors not updating

I’ve just setup HADashboard and I’ve added the door sensors to HADashboard and none of them are updating. I can see the update happening instantly in the HomeAssistant dashbaord, even if I reload the page it doesn’t show as being open unless I reboot the whole Raspberry Pi and refresh and then it shows. I have tested this on my desktop browser and tablet and both have the same issue.

Just to update this issue they do seem to update buy it’s incredibly slow, maybe 10mins later, browser refreshes, shift refreshes and the reload button I have in HADashboard don’t help.

So this started working ok now but there’s an issue I’m having with Cameras. I have 6 security cameras. I added Camera 1 to my main dashboard as its my front door and I always want to see it. I then created another Dashboard called “Cameras” and added all 6 cameras to that dashboard. The crazy thing is Camera 1 which displays perfectly fine on the main dahsboard won’t display on the camera dashboard I just get a blank box with the picture in the top left corner like it can’'t load, I’ll go back to the main dashboard and it’s working fine.

I’ve even tried removing camera 1 from the main dashboard and it still won’t load, tried creating a new dashboard with just camera 1 in it and won’t load, I’ve refreshed browsers, cleared caches, rebooted the Pi, tried it on my tablet and same result. Why would it be doing this?

are you sure you added the same configuration to both dashboards?
sometimes its just a typo.

check also if the url you use will work on its own.

I recreated it from scratch and it now works so I must of had a typo in there, usually there’s an error if there’s a typo so it threw me off. Thanks very much for the help! one other quick question, the cameras stop refreshing themselves after 5 mins or whatever the timeout is, is there a way to continually refresh? I want to leave the tablet running on my wall with the screen on 24x7 and if I have to refresh there’s no point in having the Front Door camera on the main page as I’ll have to refresh it anyway and can’t have a quick glance when I get a knock at the door. I may as well just leave all the cameras on a separate page.

that is probably a cash problem.
try to find out if and how you can set your cash from the browser to none/off

The camera not updating is on every browser I’ve tried on my desktop and tablet and seems to be around the 3 minute mark they stop updating. I tested on someone else Home Assistant and they have exactly the same results. The only way to kick it off again is via the reload button in HADashboard or refreshing the browser. Is there a way I can automatically trigger that reload in HADashboard every few minutes?

the camera widget is an iframe that has shows the cam as picture.
the used url is an url with the time in it, so the url is new every time.
maybe you can show me your yaml?
there are 2 ways to view the cam (1 thats shows a refreshing picture, 1 that shows a stream) and there is your refresh setting. those 2 can conflict with another

but its really also a cash problem. 1 i only could get away from when i disabled cash completely.

I’m running my Cameras off a synology so just have the following in my configuration.yaml

  - platform: synology
    username: *********
    password: *******
    timeout: 15
    verify_ssl: False

I have this in my Dashboard for the Widget

    widget_type: camera
    entity_picture: https:/myurl.duckdns.org:8123/api/camera_proxy_stream/camera.front_door?api_password=mypassword

camera_proxy_stream is nice when it works.
you get a streaming camera, but probably because of network/wifi speed, device capacity etc. you wont have a real flowing stream anyway.

camera_proxy gives a picture every update. like you get in HA when you look at the small picture.
there is a reason why continous streams arnt used there :wink:

and you can set a refresh in the dashboard (see the docs: http://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/DASHBOARD_CREATION.html#camera)

so you could try if a refreh every 3 mins will work with streaming, but i think you will end up using a refresh every 2 secs or so without streaming.

youll have to play around with those 2 settings till you find what is good for you.

but still the cash can cause you trouble if you leave it running over time. so keep that in mind also.

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