Hadashboard V2 Competition

I’m currently testing it on my eInk-eBook-Reader-DIY-Display :blush:
Seems to work pretty well so far!

Love it!


looks great, could you please explain your solution a bit further?
Do you use only the reader hw as display with a raspberry as cpu, or how is it done?

Sure :slight_smile:

I use an Kobo eBook reader. It’s the only one I found where you can turn the browser into fullscreen mode. It’s not official but you can add
as a “hack” to the config file of the reader.
The eReader has integrated wifi and led backlight (needs to be turned on with a button). As you can see I integrated the eReader in a 5€ picture frame :wink: It’s pretty cool also for use in a bedroom, because there is no annoying background light at night.

Power consumption of the system is very low, my measurement was about 1W. So pretty good for green home automation :slight_smile:
Of course an eInk display is a bit slower with animations than a normal tablet, but thats pretty okay for my purpose (only simple buttons as you can see).


Additional information: I used the default dashboard template and changed most of the colors to black and white or gray.

If someone has a “Magic Mirror” please make a Hadashboard theme for it and post it here. I’m looking at maybe making one and it would be awesome to see an example.

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@robmarkcole was playing with magic mirroring HASS. One thing is you have to give up touch control. We were talking about playing with other hardware options


First attempt. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot entities as of yet. Screenshot from a Nexus 7.


Wow…Not that’s bad man! Nice work !

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No. 2…

Files: https://github.com/horrorshow21/frosty_flake

Some sensors that I don’t have may need to be adjusted.


Looks great!! Can you please share the files

Yeah. I will try and get them up on my github this evening.

I downloaded templates from here but Icons aren’t visible :frowning:

mine too

Simple white/grey dashboard skin with a screensaver


i can see that fits your interior :wink:


Thats the only way it gets accepted by my girlfriend :joy:


unfortunately i cant see the sceenshots… can u relúolad them ? :slight_smile:

Seems to be a global issue. Must be a problem with Amazon Web Services.

didnt i read that they changed something on the HA servers?
that could be the reason why lots of pics dont show anymore.

They have been moving things around, but the assets are still stored on AWS servers. They may be in the process of migrating from one server to another or the instance may be down at the moment.

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