I recently setup Hadashboard and have the “widget definition not found” tile plaguing me.
In your image you have 20items, I count only 19 in the config. Also, I don’t think the last comma should be there on each line:
- clock.clock (2x1), switch.coffee_maker, sensor.fedex, sensor.ups, weather_frame (3x2)
- weather.weather (2x2), switch.garden_sprinkler
- switch.switch
- cover.kitchen_blind, cover.laundry_blind, cover.liam_blind, cover.living_room_blind, cover.master_bed_blnd_n, cover.master_bed_blnd_s, cover.teagan_blind
- binary_sensor.frdooropen, binary_sensor.grdrextopen, binary_sensor.grdrintopen, binary_sensor.sensor_2
On a sidenote, how does 0.2 packages from FedEx/UPS look like
@vegard already gave the right answer.
a comma at the end makes that dashboard thinks that there is another widget and it is empty so it has no widget definition.
for next time if you ask a question please place yaml and code in blocks, as asked on top of the forum with this link
when you dont, its very hard to impossible for people to read your code, so they cant help you as desired.
Thank you for the help, it was in fact the comma as I solved it earlier today. I suppose I missed that in the docs.
Yeah, those indicate different delivery states which I haven’t got around to setting up yet ;).