Hey all, I have seen various screen shots with light widgets that have little + and - symbols in the bottom corners. I presume this is to control brightness.
Could someone share with me the setup or some code snippets?
Hey all, I have seen various screen shots with light widgets that have little + and - symbols in the bottom corners. I presume this is to control brightness.
Could someone share with me the setup or some code snippets?
It’s in the docs https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/stable/DASHBOARD_CREATION.html#light They make for a great read…
I have no idea I missed that! Travelled the docs a few times! Thanks
so i have read the docks, i thought icon up and icon down would do it but seemingly not? im not sure i understand the docs, here is my code for a tradfri light could you show me what the code would be for the brightness in the same widget?
widget_type: switch
title: Living Room
icon_on: mdi-lightbulb-on
icon_off: mdi-lightbulb
entity: group.living_room_group
widget_type: light