Haffmpeg.tools: Image queue is full!

just setup openalpr with ffmpeg streaming ip cam server from an Android phone. The cameras have been working fine as mjpeg and I have tested out ffmpeg to make sure it works. Also tested out openalpr and was able to detect plate using the aplr daemon.

This is the only thing I have in my log, and it keeps filling it at every interval

haffmpeg.tools: Image queue is full!

# Example configuration.yaml entry
      engine: local
      region: eu
      confidence: 80.0
       - name: Camera garage 1
         interval: 5
         render: ffmpeg
         input: INPUT_STREAM
         extra_arguments: SOME OTHER FFMPEG STUFF

It seems the logs are exact 5 seconds apart, and this interval is creating an image from the stream. Where would this get stored, or does a temp queue need to be made?

Can you try:
wget -O- -q http://plates.openalpr.com/h786poj.jpg | alpr -

If that work, can you set interval: 0 and use openalpr.scan service to read a picture?

The que can going full in two ways. First the System is to slow to process a picture in 5 seconds or a other bug block the thread process for picture read (maybe a async bug).

Can you post the log with haffmpeg set to debug?

That doesn’t work. If I just download the jpg and run alpr it works fine. I used this for testing:

wget http://plates.openalpr.com/ea7the.jpg
alpr -c us ea7the.jpg

wget http://plates.openalpr.com/h786poj.jpg
alpr -c eu h786poj.jpg

Just reading through the openalpr component page and noticed this:

If you want process all data local you need the command line tool alpr in version > 2.3.1

Ubuntu 16.04 has openalpr 2.2.4 packaged.