Hey y’all
I’d like to be able to move my starlink Antenna to a “stowed” position in ase of hail. For those not familiar with Starlink, the antenna is motorized. When working normally, the antenna is near flat (from the top, looks like a coffee table), and in “stowed” position, the antenna is near vertical. Meaning it would provide a very slim surface to hail if in stowed position.
I know I’d lose internet connectivity, but the damage seen online on some antennas due to hail is something I’d like to avoid.
Through the starlink integration, I checked, and I can stow and unstow the antenna.
Does anyone have any idea on a way to detect hail? Through any kinds of home made sensor, etc… I searched, and it looks like there is no existing ready to use hail sensor. And I have not seen a weather integration that announces hail
If anyone has any idea, I’m interested. I’ve been thinking about a jar with a light sensor, that would measure if there is build-up in the jar. Or a pressure sensor, under the jar, that would detect rapidly changing pressure signal, to detect high velocity impact from hail in the jar?
Of course, if you’re aware of an already existing solution, please share.