I don’t wanna play the mp4 videos in loop. I would like to use my door sensor to trigger a media player to play the video, so the ghost will appear in the window, when kids ring the bell.
My plan was to connect a Raspberry Pi to the beamer.
Is there a Raspberry Pi media player, which can be triggered by HA to play a specific mp4 file?
Once the video is played, it should return to a black screen.
I use the filename (e.g. /home/pi/g8.mp4) as payload: "sudo omxplayer " plays the mp4/video file.
Hint: Remove console / clear screen:
I don’t wanna see the console, when the video stops. Switching of HDMI off, wait and on again does the job nicely:
/usr/bin/tvservice -o
wait some seconds /usr/bin/tvservice -p
Setup MQTT scripts to run commands and embed them in lovelace or integrate them in automations.
The result:
Beamer is showing black screen and waiting for some halloween lovers.
The node-RED flow you showed above, was that the configuration on the raspberry pi? If so, could you point me to the documentation to get the UI running?
I installed Node-RED on the raspberry pi, but didn’t see the option for the GUI. Thanks!
My comment on node red not having a GUI was a total newbie mistake. I saw that you can open a browser to get the GUI. I’m starting to play around with it to see what I can do. Thanks!