I’ll re-ask this… because every time I use Hassio host shutdown and leave the system down for an extended time (1 hr +) it wreaks havoc with my Zwave nodes… some nearly always come back as dead and require me physically re-set them.
Would it be better to…
Stop the Zwave “system”
Then shutdown HA… from within HA
Then from the PUTTY command line shut the host down
If I need to shutdown the entire HA server (to power down) I go to: HassIO menu, system, shutdown.
If I’m just stopping HA so I can edit certain files via SSH I simply go to: Configuration, Server Control, Stop. Once done editing or whatever I use SSH to send a start command.
With either I those I have never had any problems with things not coming back to life.
I’ve never had anything like that, I would ask regarding the quality of your memory card, but that would NOT affect Z-Wave nodes.
What manufacturers nodes are you losing ?
And which ‘may’ need resetting ?
Or are they the same ?