HAN devices for realtime energy monitoring with PG&E SmartMeter

I live in bay area and recently installed solar panels without consumption CTs :frowning:
Looks like there are 2 devices are discussed most: Emporia VUE Utility Connect and Rainforest EAGLE.

I thought Emporia VUE is nice and more cost effective but I hesitate to buy it after knowing it is cloud-based. Meanwhile, Rainforest EAGLE 3 is relative expensive but could work locally.

  • Any comments for Rainforest EAGLE 3?
  • Is it only have 4 entities (Meter Power Demand, Total Meter Energy Delivered, Total Meter Energy Received, Meter Price)? Any more useful entities/attributes?
  • Any other good alternative for connecting to the SmartMeter?

Thanks in advance!

hey @auto4food, what did you end up doing? I am curious to hear about your experience before pulling the trigger