Relatively new to Home Assistant; actually I’ve had it running for months and use it a lot, but I haven’t developed enough experience with the documentation to feel comfortable yet.
So, what is the easiest way to solve what must be a really simple problem?
I have a Bluetooth Melnor sprinkler controller that is a little bit too far away from the machine running HA to be reliably connected. No, I can’t move the sprinkler inside the house, and moving the HA machine (Intel NUC) closer isn’t an easy task. The integration for the Melnor device works fine, the only problem is that it shows as unavailable from time to time.
I can live with it being unavailable from time to time, the problem is the display on my dashboard. It is tolerable when using a laptop or tablet, as a pink box:
But on a phone, is shows up as a really long vertical pink box with the letters strung out down the screen. (embarrassing when I’m trying to show off to friends)
Experts out there, how would you go about fixing this??
(Try not to use too much HA jargon, I’m new to this device)
I’d put a BT Proxy device near it, which would solve the root problem (poor connection). If you’re not familiar with that, do some searching and you’ll find lots of info. You can make your own or I believe there are a couple options where you can buy them essentially ready-made.
I took the bluetooth proxy solution because it was possible I could solve several problems that will come up as I expand my control of the house. I also tried the conditional card and it was a solution as well, but the proxy won out. Strangely, the mushroom card also solved the problem of text down the screen on the phone by adjusting the font to fit and shortening the message.
The Bluetooth proxy is an awesome device. I bought a pre-made and loaded one off ebay because I didn’t want the hassle of making a box for it. Those little things are really nice. I’ll probably have more of them over time.