I have an increasing number of refresh tokens, which I delete from time to time when they are older then one week. From my point of view, that activity should not exist.
I know, that a refresh token will be deleted, when logging of from HA. That definately happens, when I open HA from Desktop or as HA-App and then explicitly choose logoff.
But I use apps like wallpanel and HA from an android tablet and I configured a display user, where the header is hidden via CCH.
These apps will not explicitly logoff and so the refreh token keeps in the list.
My question: Will this token be automatically deleted at any time?
Is it a safty issue, when it keeps present?
I think they are valid for 10 years or something like that… every login gets a token. If you delete a token, it will create a new one when it next connects. I only delete old duplicated ones. My Google Assistant and iOS tokens are very old.
Yes, I understood. But I think, that my mobile apps everytime creating a new token. Due to this, I have an increasing number of old, unused refresh tokens. Displays, the family and myself have increased the number of apps And none of them, even if the menu would be available, would tab on menu button, User, log off. And last but not least I prefer to avoid giving access on the side bar
I also have problems with refresh token. Since a few weeks ago, i have to delete the .google.token file, and re-authenticate to have access to google calendar. Something changed ? Thank you