Handling of state changes seem different between 0.38.4 and 0.39.1

Hi All,

Yesterday i opened this issue https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/6299

Is what I notice intentional to this release? I can’t find it in the release notes.

  • On 0.38.4, the attribute last_updated of a z-wave wall plug only updates to the current time when the actual value of the state changes i.e. from 0.0w to 5.2w. It doesn’t update when a z-wave report comes in which has the same value (i.e. state is 0.0w and new report is also 0.0w).

  • On 0.39.1 the value last_updated is updated when a new report with the same value for state is sent to home assistant.

  • For device_tracker.owntracks when i’m already home and my location updates, but inside the home.zone, my automation does not trigger on 0.38.4.

  • On 0.39.1 it is triggering my automation.

Is handling of states and/or events changed in release 0.39 causing this behaviour?
Is this intentional or a bug?

Kind regards,

I hope it is intentional! I really did not understand the ‘old’ behavior

That makes sense, when i looked in the documentation: https://home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/state_object/

there are two attributes, last_updated and last_changed. If i read this correctly last_updated should be updated when my wall_plug sends a new report (0.0w to 0.0w) and last_changed should not change in that situation.

When a report comes with a changed value (0.0w to 5.2w) both last_changed and last_updated should change.

However this does not explain why my ‘getting home’ automation triggers right?

  platform: state
  entity_id: device_tracker.xx
  to: home

Should only trigger if state is changed right? ‘to: home’ without a ‘from’ for me implies a ‘from: any zone’

@thrust15 a new state (any change in coords or battery) will trigger this automation, even if the previous state was ‘home’
if you want the ‘from: any zone’ you need a condition using the trigger.from_state.state

@Bart274 I don’t understand. I reverted back to 0.38.4 and I can update my coordinates via OwnTracks while home without triggering the automation. This has been the case for several releases, I started using this automation in 0.35 or 0.36

The behavior changed in 0.39.1 where it would trigger on every change.

I think this is an unintentional side effect from a change. In this release.