Hangouts: what am I doing wrong

I am trying to get Google Hangouts working but for the life of me I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong.

I am trying to follow those instructions. the configuration -> intergrations is of course not working. says incorrect email/password. (which it’s not)

so I go to the manual method. I can get the oath token just find. But what do I do with it???

the directions say:

`Once the code is obtained fill in the form with your email, password and the authorization code to complete authentication.`

What authentication??

where do I configure my username, password, oath code?

I have set up a gmail account for the house. I have already started a group chat with the house, myself, and the wife. and my end goal is to get notifications via hangouts.

can anyone help out here? I am very new to HA, as in a few weeks worth of time. am I just reading this wrong?
