HAOS 13.1 upgrade. unable to boot

I’ve hit this on an x64 machine running HAOS as a VM under VirtualBox and Ubuntu 22.04. Hit the upgrade, never came back up.

exact same here, rock solid before this.


EDIT: i shutdown the VM unsafely and retried and it booted. don’t have the last 24 hours of data since upgrading HAOS, and it looks like the backups failed even though i had enough space. never seen this before but looks like HAOS 13 has lots of issues when upgrading.

Update: After a reboot, my Rpi 3 went into reboot mode again when using HAOS 13.0. I have found out that it’s when Zigbee2MQTT starts that my Rpi 3 begins to reboot. I set Zigbee2MQTT not to start during boot. Now HAOS only restarts when I start Zigbee2MQTT. I managed to downgrade to 12.4. However, this did not fix my problem, and my Rpi 3 still restarts when Zigbee2MQTT is started.

I noticed that my Zigbee CC2531 dongle is on (the LED is green), but shortly after startup, it turns off. I then tried unplugging the USB stick for my Zigbee CC2531 and plugging it back in. Then the LED lights up green again. Immediately after, I start Zigbee2MQTT, and it starts up without problems, and I can use my Zigbee devices again.

I have never previously experienced that my Zigbee CC2531 doesn’t light up even when Zigbee2MQTT is off.

Does anyone know if there is some sort of power down for unused USB devices after a certain time, and is there a way to disable this?

You can’t use your memory usage reading for anything in this case. It is a picture of the usage in that moment, but during start all the parts of HA will allocate memory resources and that is where it will be critical.
When they have booted up some of those allocations will be unused and therefore freed again and when you read the memory usage, then it might be fine, but it could 2x or 3x higher during boot.

During boot the USB ports will be renegotiated
The first negotiation will be with a basic support for basic devices only, like keyboard, mouse, flash drive and network adapter among other things.
After the renegotiation more functionality is added through the driver and higher communication speeds might also be possible.